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Zeal Maximum and Minimum Thermometer with Push Button Reset

৳ 850.00

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  • Maximum-Minimum Thermometer
  • Type: Push Button Reset
  • Brand: Zeal
  • Made in England

This is the Push Button System Zeal Maximum and Minimum Thermometer with reset.

  • Analog Maximum-Minimum Thermometer
  • Brand: Zeal
  • Made in England
  • Type: Push Button Reset

Uses Instruction of Zeal Maximum and Minimum Thermometer

  • Purpose: To record the highest and lowest air temperatures indoors, outdoors, in greenhouses, etc.
  • Position: Hang the thermometer, if possible, in a shaded position with free circulation of air.
  • To Set Thermometer: Push on the button to reset the indices, until the bottom of the index rests on the top of the mercury column.
  • To Take Readings: Read of temperatures at which the mercury column is standing which indicates atmospheric temperature. The level at which the lower end of the left-hand index is standing represents the minimum temperature recorded from the time of the last setting. Similarly, the level of the lower end of the right-hand index represents the maximum temperature.
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